Having a website made starts with web design

Have a website made by our web team of enthusiastic web designers, developers and online marketers with a passion for design, code and content.

SocialLane - The Hague Digitals

Creating a new website starts with webdesign.

Having a new website made is not something you do every day. We realize that very well. That is why we involve our customers in the process as much as possible. That starts with the first conversation. A kick-off in which we further define the experience, menu structure, the objectives of the website and wishes from a strategic point of view. We create a concept and then start working on the web design.

Web design and web development

Unique design

No customer is the same. That is why every website that SocialLane makes is tailor-made, adapted to the wishes and objectives of the company.

WordPress CMS

The use of WordPress ensures user-friendliness and you are not dependent on an agency after delivery of the website.

Own template

We provide a more professional look with our own template. It also makes the website faster and therefore easier to find in Google.


Our web developers work closely with our online marketers. After delivery of the website, it is optimized for search engines such as Google.


Have a website made

When designing websites, we always pay attention to ease of use for visitors and we optimize the content of the website for Google. These aspects are also important to rank high in Google’s search results.

But of course we also ensure that the website is visually attractive. An attractive website ensures that visitors absorb more information and stay longer on the website. We then set up the website in such a way that visitors also convert. A website that we deliver is therefore not only beautiful, but is also always practical and conversion-oriented!

From webdesign to development

Once the designs are approved, we will custom build the website on our BoilerLane platform, which is based on WordPress. We choose WordPress because we believe that a website should be secure, have a high page speed and be mobile friendly. Websites that we deliver are easy to maintain, can be easily expanded and are well indexed by Google.

webdesign team

“We always work closely with the customer from start to finish to create a beautiful website that matches the corporate identity and marketing objectives of the company.”

Mitchell Kertopawiro, webdesigner

Curious about the quality and findability of your current website?

Did you know that we can also adapt and optimize existing websites? We call this an SEO boost, a boost to make the website easier to find. Contact us for the possibilities.


ONL voor Ondernemers


BLOW Beach House


Canon Business Center Nederland







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